
Denops Mascot

Denops (/ˈdiːnoʊps/, pronounced as dee-nops) is an ecosystem designed for developing plugins for Vim and Neovim using Deno (a TypeScript / JavaScript runtime).

Denops and Denops plugins (Vim plugins powered by Denops) offer the following features:

  • Installable as a Vim plugin:
    Denops follows the standard Vim plugin architecture. Users can install Denops itself and Denops plugins using a Vim plugin manager, just like any other Vim plugins.
  • Unified codebase for Vim and Neovim:
    Denops provides a unified API for both Vim and Neovim. You can write a plugin that functions on both Vim and Neovim with a single codebase.
  • No worries about dependency management:
    Deno includes a built-in dependency management system, allowing developers to write plugins with third-party libraries without concerns about dependency management.
  • Simple and efficient code:
    Deno utilizes the V8 engine, significantly faster than Vim script. You can write a plugin with straightforward code, without the need for complex optimizations solely for performance.
  • Risk-free execution:
    Denops plugins run in a separate process from Vim / Neovim. Even if a plugin freezes, Vim / Neovim remains unaffected.

Check out vim-denops GitHub Topics to discover Vim plugins using Denops.

Denops is primarily developed and maintained by the vim-denops organization (separated from the vim-jp organization). For questions, you can use GitHub Discussions (English), or visit the #tech-denops channel on Slack workspace for vim-jp (Japanese).