Properly Configure the Buffer

In the previous section, we didn't configure the buffer options, so the buffer remains modifiable and persists after being closed. In this section, we will configure the buffer options to make the buffer non-modifiable and remove the buffer after closure. Open the main.ts file and modify the maze method as follows:

import type { Entrypoint } from "jsr:@denops/std@^7.0.0";
import * as buffer from "jsr:@denops/std@^7.0.0/buffer";
import * as fn from "jsr:@denops/std@^7.0.0/function";
import * as op from "jsr:@denops/std@^7.0.0/option";
import { Maze } from "npm:@thewizardbear/maze_generator@^0.4.0";

export const main: Entrypoint = (denops) => {
  denops.dispatcher = {
    async maze() {
      const { bufnr, winnr } = await, "maze://");

      const winWidth = await fn.winwidth(denops, winnr);
      const winHeight = await fn.winheight(denops, winnr);
      const maze = new Maze({
        xSize: winWidth / 3,
        ySize: winHeight / 3,
      const content = maze.getString();

      await buffer.replace(denops, bufnr, content.split(/\r?\n/g));
      await buffer.concrete(denops, bufnr);

      await op.bufhidden.setLocal(denops, "wipe");
      await op.modifiable.setLocal(denops, false);

In this code, we use op.bufhidden.setLocal to set the bufhidden option to wipe so that the buffer is wiped out when it is closed. Additionally, we use op.modifiable.setLocal to set the modifiable option to false to make the buffer non-modifiable. Note that since we use buffer.replace to replace the content of the buffer, there is no need to explicitly set the modifiable option to true before replacing the content.

Restart Vim, rerun the :Maze command, and confirm that the buffer is not modifiable.