Utilizing Third-Party Library

Certainly, starting with coding a maze generation algorithm would be nice. However, since you're now using Deno, you can conveniently employ a third-party library called maze_generator. Let's define a Maze command similar to DenopsHello; Maze generates a maze and outputs it.


The maze_generator library is a third-party library that generates a maze. It is not a part of Deno or Denops. You can use any third-party library that is compatible with Deno in your Denops plugin. Thanks to Deno, developers and users don't need to worry about the installation of third-party libraries. Deno automatically downloads and caches the library when it is imported.

Create the denops-maze plugin and place it under ~/denops-maze. The directory tree will look like this:

├── denops
│    └── denops-maze
│           └── main.ts
└── plugin
     └── denops-maze.vim

The content of the denops/denops-maze/main.ts file will be:

import type { Entrypoint } from "https://deno.land/x/denops_std@v6.5.0/mod.ts";
import { Maze } from "https://deno.land/x/maze_generator@v0.4.0/mod.js";

export const main: Entrypoint = (denops) => {
  denops.dispatcher = {
    maze() {
      const maze = new Maze({}).generate();
      const content = maze.getString();

The content of the plugin/denops-maze.vim file will be:

if exists('g:loaded_denops_maze')
let g:loaded_denops_maze = 1

" Function called once the plugin is loaded
function! s:init() abort
  command! Maze call denops#request('denops-maze', 'maze', [])

augroup denops_maze
  autocmd User DenopsPluginPost:denops-maze call s:init()
augroup END


The Maze command is defined once the plugin is loaded with the above code. If you wish to define the command immediately after Vim startup, you can define the command and use denops#plugin#wait() or denops#plugin#wait_async() in the function to wait for plugin load, like this:

if exists('g:loaded_denops_maze')
let g:loaded_denops_maze = 1

function! s:maze() abort
  if denops#plugin#wait('denops-maze')
     " Something went wrong
  call denops#request('denops-maze', 'maze', [])

command! Maze call s:maze()

Don't forget to activate the plugin by adding the following line to your vimrc:

set runtimepath+=~/denops-maze

Then, restart Vim and execute :Maze to see the generated maze. Note that it may take a few seconds for the first startup because Deno will download the dependencies, but it happens only once.

Utilizing Third-Party Library